Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 6th...the apartment looks different from the pictures...

I awoke, admittedly a bit crabby from the day before, only to find my apartment was in need of some serious attention. Grease covered every cabinet. The bathtub did not drain, water was coming out from under the refrigerator, the rooms were cold, there weren't window coverings everywhere, basement is dark and spider webby, bathrooms smell a little like pee....

My new landlord has been gracious about attending to things. We discovered the water was from the dishwasher -- the hose had been disconnected completely and leaked when he ran it. Propane heat is new to takes time to warm up a place. Other things will be fixed over the next couple of weeks.

You see, I just left behind a beautiful home that I'd spent the past few years remodeling. New bathrooms, new lights, new kitchen, new furnace, new fence, new everything. I felt like I was being punished by being thrust back into the 80's with ball lights and things in disrepair.

Lily decided she didn't like going out at night because we back up against a forest and the trees creek at night. Once I left some of her "specimens" out, she began to realize an area was hers and it would be ok. She can't seem to get used to the noise next door. She is used to living with me and my daughter, and can't figure out where the strange noises are coming from, like footsteps on stairs or the like.

Tomorrow will be another day.

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